Monday, February 9, 2009

Some VERY BASIC Information on Equine Care

An article found about how to clean a horse's stall. Full article available here: Author: Katherine Blocksdorf

No reasonable horseman/woman could disagree that stall cleaning should happen once a day or maybe twice if the horses NEVER get turned out.

If your horse lives in a stall for any part of his day, you'll have to keep it clean. Unclean stalls attract insects and could encourage hoof problems like thrush. Breathing ammonia from urine saturated bedding can be harmful to your horse's or pony's sensitive lungs. It's unpleasant to work in and smelly for you too. Stall cleaning should be a daily task.

Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 20 minutes

Here's How:
Dress for the Job Dress in appropriate clothing. Gloves can prevent blisters. Urine can erode the stitching on the soles of leather riding boots. Save yourself boot cleaning time by changing into work or rubber boots.

Clear the Work Area: Take your horse out of the stall. A good time to muck out is when your horse is in his pasture. If you can't put him out, put him in an empty stall. Remove all the feed tubs, water buckets and stall toys.

Assemble Your Tools: Get your cleaning tools and park your wheelbarrow or cart close to the stall door facing in the direction you'll want to go when the barrow is full. It's easier to maneuver an empty wheelbarrow than a full one.

Dig In: If the stall is bedded with straw use a pitchfork to remove manure and wet or soiled bedding. If shavings or sawdust have been used, use the shavings fork to remove manure and wet bedding. Fork the manure into the wheelbarrow or cart. Sometimes it's easier to pick up wet bedding with a shovel.

Head for the Manure Pile: Wheel the filled barrow and dump out the contents in the assigned area (the manure pile). It's tempting to fill the wheelbarrow really high, but this can make it hard to push and easy to tip. It's frustrating having to clean up manure a second time because you've tipped over the wheelbarrow!

Do a Thorough Job: Continue cleaning out the dirty bedding. Scrape the unsoiled bedding to one side, and check that there is not wet or manure soiled bedding hiding underneath.
Even The Surface: Once you've removed all the manure and wet bedding, spread the cleaner bedding back over the whole stall area. Check around the edges of the stall as clean bedding sometimes gets tossed against the walls as the horse moves around. This leaves a thinner area in the middle or where the horse usually stands. Distribute the bedding evenly.

Add Clean Bedding: Add new bedding to replace any that has been removed. You'll either add a whole bale of straw, or portions of one. Fluff it with a pitchfork. Some stables have truckloads of loose shavings piled, or some buy bags of compacted shavings. Use your wheelbarrow to transport fresh shavings to the stall, or open a bag and fluff the compacted shavings with the shavings fork.

How Thick To Bed: Gauge how thick to bed by what type of floor is under the bedding and what season it is. If there is thick rubber matting on the stall floors, bedding can be thinner. On concrete, especially during cold weather, add more bedding to provide padding and urine absorption. Sand floors are easier on the horse's legs, but may get saturated with urine quickly if not enough bedding is put down.

Weekly Maintenance: You may want to completely strip a stall occasionally. In this case, keep filling your wheelbarrow until the stall floor is bare. Use the shovel to scrape up remnants of bedding and the broom to sweep it clean. You may want to put down odor control solution or stable disinfectant. Let the floor dry before re-bedding.

Keep Alleys and Doors Clear: After you've finished cleaning and bedding the stall, use the broom to sweep up spilled manure, straw or shavings in alleys and doorways. Scoop up the sweepings into the shovel and toss them into the manure pile. Manure, chaff and bedding pushed out a doorway will turn into a muddy mess in wet weather.

Prepare Tools for Next Use: Put all the tools away where they won't cause a tripping hazard.
Ready for Your Horse: Replace feed tubs, buckets and toys so the stall will be ready for your horse when he comes in.


HrsPro said...

JC cleaned their stalls daily...what's your point here?

Very few barns clean their stalls more than once a day, even when the horses are kept in. Including HAHS and HARPS.

If this is what you are using for your argument, you're going to have a lot of people dismissing you.


Anonymous said...

What's a duck? QUACK.

Clean your filty truck and change your black stretch pants.

Next you'll be spouting off about how horses don't NEED pasture either. What's your obsession with being a fucking delusional twat?

Anonymous said...

well i just saw on ch 5 news that j.c cutters was shut down due to filthy and inhumane treatment of the horses. they have 14 pending citations. the barn(if thats what you want to call it) was at 1500 magnolia st. to me it looked like 4 walls with a tarp over it built by some under paid barn guys. they should have never left locust st, but every barn they ever had was pretty shitty, the one on carrol st could have been really nice, i loved that building, it was more about, WOOPS, WE CANT BUY ANY GRAIN FOR 3 DAYS AND HERES SOME BROWN HAY TO EAT CAUSE WE CANT AFFORD TO BUY ANY TILL AFTER THE WEEKEND. I HEARD THAT ALOT. what a piece of crap! o, if anyone doesnt know aleksandar is my good friend who used to ride around with me alot, so is james schuster, i told them to join and enjoy the pics we put up.

Fancymarefromtheburbs said...

Friday morning was a shock to my system when I awoke and seen what was happening on TV. I couldn't believe the horse rescue was happening so close to home. I live in Bucktown but board my quarter horse up by Libertyville. Those horses shouldn't have been living in a "tarp covered plywood barn" as described by the media. What were these people thinking? I guess it takes all kinds in this crazy world of ours.

Anonymous said...

That damn company sucks. I was an employee for them for a long time until a much better opportunity came up. Bad hay, temporary stalls that were no bigger than 8 by 8 and having to take water from a fire hydrant. I can't tell you how many times we did have water for the horses because of a frozen hydrant. I'm sure it was the exact same at that tent of theirs except when we were on LeMoyne, there were people who actually cared for the horses.

Anonymous said...

How come the horses do not look or act as if they were lacking in care if the care was so horrid?

It sounds as if this owner was boxed into this situation and knew that a decision was going to have be made.

Interesting attacks being made on the weakest link.

Not surprised on that happening from over zealous animal rights types. I am curious about this being from a competitor though.

This appears to have been an awful lot of senseless drama over something which was already over.

Anonymous said...

I will say the horses on the news clips didn't look bad. The gray might have been thin but it was too hard to see in the pic. In the end, perhaps the whole industry is better off without JC Cutter's, but it certainly seems like a pack of rabid dogs the way everyone is attacking them. And foul insults simply show the intellect of the typist. I am sorry for your loss Cutter's, but I think you brought this on yourselves. You cannot hide your head in the sand and act like it will all go away, ie. where was the manager when all this was happening? If someone showed up to confiscate MY horses, I would have been there fighting tooth and nail to keep them. Or at least make sure they didn't hurt my horses until I could clear up the mess.

HrsPro said...

JC's manager was advised by a police Sgt. on scene to remain at home. Another driver was present. Otherwise you can be darned sure she would have been there.

Fancymare, I'm thinking you need to sell your fancy QH and join PETA. Apparently you own a horse not because you know about them, but because it makes you look pretty. We have enough of you in our industry, we don't need any more.

Jeez, Wiscokid, you sound strangely like Lori...

Fancymarefromtheburbs said...

HrsPro, why are you skirting the real issue here? All the citations you received is proof you didn't give your horses the right stabling. You would have been better off putting them in pasture where at least they can move around and exercise and thats what is best for them in the first place. I don't buy your argument that the seizure was planned and orchestrated by all those people. The Animal Control people and the other agencies would not have taken action against you if they did not have cause and proof. Thats the law.

HrsPro said...

Fancy, again I am NOT the owner or manager of this company. A) My IP is out of McHenry County...ask your friend Lori to check it. B) The manager of JC Cutters is going to have a court case on her hands, she would not be on here posting!

Why don't you check in to the citations that were given. Hmmm, unclean stall? Those were written for poop being in a stall where the horse was eating. Do you clean your Fancy QH's stall before each feeding? If you don't, you're in violation of City code. And you better be standing behind her with a pitchfork to clean up any defecation while she was eating!

Unlicensed driver? Hmmm, the City likes to write those when a door man is holding a horse while the actual (licensed) driver is throwing up.

No running water? There was a spigot 30 feet away from which the drivers hauled water by hand to each stall. I haul water by hand further than that when covering chores at the barn where I board!

No electricity? What do horses need electricity for? To play their Wii's while not working?

I think you need to look more into the facts before you start commenting on what you've read in the papers and on your ADL and ET sites.

Anonymous said...

I think YOU HorsePro need to stop defending Cutters especially since you know NOTHING about Chicago's carriage industry. All you know is what those delusional twats, Michele and Melissa tell you.

They are both liars. Everyone in the indsustry knows that. So rather than raising money for a lost cause, why don't you raise money for the HORSES that will need new homes thanks to the neglect of their former owners.

FURTHERMORE, if those idiots couldn't afford to put the horses out to pasture while they were waiting for licenses that were never going to be renewed, how the hell do you expect for them to care for all the horses if they get them back?!

I'm certain the city will have a great lawyer and the horses will be adopted out to excellent new homes. You only add to the carnival that is the Chicago carriage industry. Maybe you should consider a job here as you'd fit right in.

Anonymous said...

These horse people supporting J C Cutters are being misled by the manager and those drivers......big time. What are the chances they have met her personally or been to any of her stables over the last few years? More likely Michelle just feeds them a spew of lies and excuses "online" like she does to everyone else to coverup her stupidity and laziness which resulted in that whole stable fiasco in the first place. Those horse people are being duped and used.

Anonymous said...

These horse people supporting J C Cutters are being misled by the manager and those drivers......big time. What are the chances they have met her personally or been to any of her stables over the last few years? More likely Michelle just feeds them a spew of lies and excuses "online" like she does to everyone else to coverup her stupidity and laziness which resulted in that whole stable fiasco in the first place. Those horse people are being duped and used.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is credibility. The horses were taken because of being malnourished,so the media and ADL would say. The media's very own photos/videos showed horses in what I would describe a healthy state. If there were other violations than that should have been taken care of by various city departments, which in all fairness, according to media and ADL's site were being done. The owner loses her appeal and the very next day the city is there to "rescue" horses. I've never known Chicago to move that fast with their bureaucracy unless someones "pissed". If ADL and others are true animal activists, then stay focused on the current welfare of the horses instead of cheap shots at this person did this or didn't do that. A side note, ADL should post all replys to their website and not filter out the ones that don't promote their goals. PS. ADL--I personally wouldn't advertise a video that clearly showed someone trespassing on JC Cutter's property(makes me wonder what other means you'll use to meet your goals). Remember-Credibility.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing????? Nobody trespassed. Stupid woman.

P.S. -----I personally wouldn't accuse someone of trespassing unless you know the law. And there was no "trespassing", as you people call it, involved in the creation of any of those videos displayed for your viewing pleasure. It was LEGAL! Stupid woman!!

Anonymous said...

Stupid woman, how do you know that I'm a woman? that alone shows your stupidity since I'm a male. As far as trespassing,Websters describes it as such:to make an unwarranted or uninvited incursion. Now unless the owner/manager is that stupid, as yourself, to allow an individual to take a video meant to show deplorable conditions, which I doubt, I would call that trespassing. Your ignorance is not helping ADL's cause.

Anonymous said...

I'm not ADL. Just here to report the facts. You STUPID MAN!! How do you know the videographer wasn't INVITED in, legally? You sound like that stupid woman from Dennison, IL! Your probably doing her right now.

Anonymous said...

The videographer was invited in by a driver, not the manager or owner. The driver invited this person in knowing it was against what the owner or manager would allow. Therefore the person making the video tresspassed and the driver is an accomplace to a crime.

Anonymous said...

Wrong!!! Again. The driver is a legal employee of the company and therefore a representative of the company and it is legal. Maybe you should get a better lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Legal representative or not, that person was aware that Lori, nor anyone of her circle, was not permitted on the property and let her in anyway. The driver can not go against the express interest of the management or ownership.